- Getting started with Ruby Language
- Casting (type conversion)
- Operators
- Variable Scope and Visibility
- Environment Variables
- Constants
- Special Constants in Ruby
- Comments
- Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Strings
- DateTime
- Time
- Numbers
- Symbols
- Comparable
- Control Flow
- Methods
- Hashes
- Blocks and Procs and Lambdas
- Iteration
- Exceptions
- Enumerators
- Enumerable in Ruby
- Classes
- Inheritance
- method_missing
- Regular Expressions and Regex Based Operations
- File and I/O Operations
- Ruby Access Modifiers
- Design Patterns and Idioms in Ruby
- Loading Source Files
- Thread
- Range
- Modules
- Introspection in Ruby
- Monkey Patching in Ruby
- Recursion in Ruby
- Splat operator (*)
- JSON with Ruby
- Pure RSpec JSON API testing
- Gem Creation/Management
- rbenv
- Gem Usage
- Singleton Class
- Queue
- Destructuring
- Struct
- Metaprogramming
- Dynamic Evaluation
- instance_eval
- Message Passing
- Keyword Arguments
- Truthiness
- Implicit Receivers and Understanding Self
- Introspection
- Refinements
- Catching Exceptions with Begin / Rescue
- Command Line Apps
- Generate a random number
- Getting started with Hanami
- OptionParser
- Operating System or Shell commands
- C Extensions
- Debugging
- Ruby Version Manager
- Installation