Python Notes for Professionals book (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Python Notes for Professionals book

Python Notes for Professionals book (FREE DOWNLOAD)



  1. Getting started with Python Language
  2. Python Data Types
  3. Indentation
  4. Comments and Documentation
  5. Date and Time
  6. Date Formatting
  7. Enum
  8. Set
  9. Simple Mathematical Operators
  10. Bitwise Operators
  11. Boolean Operators
  12. Operator Precedence
  13. Variable Scope and Binding
  14. Conditionals
  15. Comparisons
  16. Loops
  17. Arrays
  18. Multidimensional arrays
  19. Dictionary
  20. List
  21. List comprehensions
  22. List slicing (selecting parts of lists)
  23. groupby()
  24. Linked lists
  25. Linked List Node
  26. Filter
  27. Heapq
  28. Tuple
  29. Basic Input and Output
  30. Files & Folders I/O
  31. os.path
  32. Iterables and Iterators
  33. Functions
  34. Defining functions with list arguments
  35. Functional Programming in Python
  36. Partial functions
  37. Decorators
  38. Classes
  39. Metaclasses
  40. String Formatting
  41. String Methods
  42. Using loops within functions
  43. Importing modules
  44. Difference between Module and Package
  45. Math Module
  46. Complex math
  47. Collections module
  48. Operator module
  49. JSON Module
  50. Sqlite3 Module
  51. The os Module
  52. The locale Module
  53. Itertools Module
  54. Asyncio Module
  55. Random module
  56. Functools Module
  57. The dis module
  58. The base64 Module
  59. Queue Module
  60. Deque Module
  61. Webbrowser Module
  62. tkinter
  63. pyautogui module
  64. Indexing and Slicing
  65. Plotting with Matplotlib
  66. graph-tool
  67. Generators
  68. Reduce
  69. Map Function
  70. Exponentiation
  71. Searching
  72. Sorting, Minimum and Maximum
  73. Counting
  74. The Print Function
  75. Regular Expressions (Regex)
  76. Copying data
  77. Context Managers (“with” Statement)
  78. The __name__ special variable
  79. Checking Path Existence and Permissions
  80. Creating Python packages
  81. Usage of "pip" module: PyPI Package Manager
  82. pip: PyPI Package Manager
  83. Parsing Command Line arguments
  84. Subprocess Library
  86. Recursion
  87. Type Hints
  88. Exceptions
  89. Raise Custom Errors / Exceptions
  90. Commonwealth Exceptions
  91. urllib
  92. Web scraping with Python
  93. HTML Parsing
  94. Manipulating XML
  95. Python Requests Post
  96. Distribution
  97. Property Objects
  98. Overloading
  99. Polymorphism
  100. Method Overriding
  101. User-Defined Methods
  102. String representations of class instances: __str__ and __repr__ methods
  103. Debugging
  104. Reading and Writing CSV
  105. Writing to CSV from String or List
  106. Dynamic code execution with `exec` and `eval`
  107. PyInstaller - Distributing Python Code
  108. Data Visualization with Python
  109. The Interpreter (Command Line Console)
  110. *args and **kwargs
  111. Garbage Collection
  112. Pickle data serialisation
  113. Binary Data
  114. Idioms
  115. Data Serialization
  116. Multiprocessing
  117. Multithreading
  118. Processes and Threads
  119. Python concurrency
  120. Parallel computation
  121. Sockets
  122. Websockets
  123. Sockets And Message Encryption/Decryption Between Client and Server
  124. Python Networking
  125. Python HTTP Server
  126. Flask
  127. Introduction to RabbitMQ using AMQPStorm
  128. Descriptor
  129. tempfile NamedTemporaryFile
  130. Input, Subset and Output External Data Files using Pandas
  131. Unzipping Files
  132. Working with ZIP archives
  133. Getting start with GZip
  134. Stack
  135. Working around the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
  136. Deployment
  137. Logging
  138. Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI)
  139. Python Server Sent Events
  140. Alternatives to switch statement from other languages
  141. List destructuring (aka packing and unpacking)
  142. Accessing Python source code and bytecode
  143. Mixins
  144. Attribute Access
  145. ArcPy
  146. Abstract Base Classes (abc)
  147. Plugin and Extension Classes
  148. Immutable datatypes(int, float, str, tuple and frozensets)
  149. Incompatibilities moving from Python 2 to Python 3
  150. 2to3 tool
  151. Non-official Python implementations
  152. Abstract syntax tree
  153. Unicode and bytes
  154. Python Serial Communication (pyserial)
  155. Neo4j and Cypher using Py2Neo
  156. Basic Curses with Python
  157. Templates in python
  158. Pillow
  159. The pass statement
  160. CLI subcommands with precise help output
  161. Database Access
  162. Connecting Python to SQL Server
  163. PostgreSQL
  164. Python and Excel
  165. Turtle Graphics
  166. Python Persistence
  167. Design Patterns
  168. hashlib
  169. Creating a Windows service using Python
  170. Mutable vs Immutable (and Hashable) in Python
  171. configparser
  172. Optical Character Recognition
  173. Virtual environments
  174. Python Virtual Environment - virtualenv
  175. Virtual environment with virtualenvwrapper
  176. Create virtual environment with virtualenvwrapper in windows
  177. sys
  178. ChemPy - python package
  179. pygame
  180. Pyglet
  181. Audio
  182. pyaudio
  183. shelve
  184. IoT Programming with Python and Raspberry PI
  185. kivy - Cross-platform Python Framework for NUI Development
  186. Pandas Transform: Preform operations on groups and concatenate the results
  187. Similarities in syntax, Differences in meaning: Python vs. JavaScript
  188. Call Python from C#
  189. ctypes
  190. Writing extensions
  191. Python Lex-Yacc
  192. Unit Testing
  193. py.test
  194. Profiling
  195. Python speed of program
  196. Performance optimization
  197. Security and Cryptography
  198. Secure Shell Connection in Python
  199. Python Anti-Patterns
  200. Common Pitfalls
  201. Hidden Features


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