Algorithms Notes for Professionals book (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Algorithms Notes for Professionals book

Algorithms Notes for Professionals book (FREE DOWNLOAD)



  1. Getting started with algorithms
  2. Algorithm Complexity
  3. Big-O Notation
  4. Trees
  5. Binary Search Trees
  6. Check if a tree is BST or not
  7. Binary Tree traversals
  8. Lowest common ancestor of a Binary Tree
  9. Graph
  10. Graph Traversals
  11. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  12. A* Pathfinding
  13. A* Pathfinding Algorithm
  14. Dynamic Programming
  15. Applications of Dynamic Programming
  16. Kruskal's Algorithm
  17. Greedy Algorithms
  18. Applications of Greedy technique
  19. Prim's Algorithm
  20. Bellman–Ford Algorithm
  21. Line Algorithm
  22. Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
  23. Catalan Number Algorithm
  24. Multithreaded Algorithms
  25. Knuth Morris Pratt (KMP) Algorithm
  26. Edit Distance Dynamic Algorithm
  27. Online algorithms
  28. Sorting
  29. Bubble Sort
  30. Merge Sort
  31. Insertion Sort
  32. Bucket Sort
  33. Quicksort
  34. Counting Sort
  35. Heap Sort
  36. Cycle Sort
  37. Odd-Even Sort
  38. Selection Sort
  39. Searching
  40. Substring Search
  41. Breadth-First Search
  42. Depth First Search
  43. Hash Functions
  44. Travelling Salesman
  45. Knapsack Problem
  46. Equation Solving
  47. Longest Common Subsequence
  48. Longest Increasing Subsequence
  49. Check two strings are anagrams
  50. Pascal's Triangle
  51. Algo:- Print a m*n matrix in square wise
  52. Matrix Exponentiation
  53. polynomial-time bounded algorithm for Minimum Vertex Cover
  54. Dynamic Time Warping
  55. Fast Fourier Transform
  56. Pseudocode


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