Bash Notes for Professionals book (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Bash Notes for Professionals book

Bash Notes for Professionals book (FREE DOWNLOAD)



  1. Getting started with Bash
  2. Script shebang
  3. Navigating directories
  4. Listing Files
  5. Using cat
  6. Grep
  7. Aliasing
  8. Jobs and Processes
  9. Redirection
  10. Control Structures
  11. true, false and : commands
  12. Arrays
  13. Associative arrays
  14. Functions
  15. Bash Parameter Expansion
  16. Copying (cp)
  17. Find
  18. Using sort
  19. Sourcing
  20. Here documents and here strings
  21. Quoting
  22. Conditional Expressions
  23. Scripting with Parameters
  24. Bash history substitutions
  25. Math
  26. Bash Arithmetic
  27. Scoping
  28. Process substitution
  29. Programmable completion
  30. Customizing PS1
  31. Brace Expansion
  32. getopts : smart positional-parameter parsing
  33. Debugging
  34. Pattern matching and regular expressions
  35. Change shell
  36. Internal variables
  37. Job Control
  38. Case statement
  39. Read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?
  40. File execution sequence
  41. Splitting Files
  42. File Transfer using scp
  43. Pipelines
  44. Managing PATH environment variable
  45. Word splitting
  46. Avoiding date using printf
  47. Using "trap" to react to signals and system events
  48. Chain of commands and operations
  49. Type of Shells
  50. Color script output (cross-platform)
  51. co-processes
  52. Typing variables
  53. Jobs at specific times
  54. Handling the system prompt
  55. The cut command
  56. Bash on Windows 10
  57. Cut Command
  58. global and local variables
  59. CGI Scripts
  60. Select keyword
  61. When to use eval
  62. Networking With Bash
  63. Parallel
  64. Decoding URL
  65. Design Patterns
  66. Pitfalls
  67. Keyboard shortcuts


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